The first short story is set in the world of Desert Earth, gives a fleshed-out back story to the Scientist (portrayed by James Bolton), and his involvement with the Jem Generation 5 Program.
One of the unique things about Desert Earth was that no character had a name, and no year in time was the project set. This short movie continues some ways at least.
Throughout the entire movie, no names are actually spoken, although I have in creating the project named the female prototype robot, Jem (Jem Generation 5, or JemGen5 for short).
I have also named the lead scientist, simply called, Mann.
A construction date for the JemGen5 has already been stated as 2097, several years before the events of Desert Earth; so the Earth had gone to hell a lot earlier then some would have originally thought.
Starring (in order of appearance):
Duncan Farnden-Marks
Kayleigh Uren
James Bolton
Julio Nivar Garcia